Juraj Bartoš works progressively. Like many visual artists today, his work has the form of an open work in progress. He observes for a long time and repeatedly returns to his themes, collected in time, which however materialize for him in a timelessness which is only barely absorbable in the History of Photography. Bartoš is not an evolutionary photographer. His work cannot be easily dated because it does not stand on closed cycles and solitary snapshots.
In the environment of domestic photography where a photogenic nature is still a significant notion and a solitary snapshot is the ideal of immortalization, Bartoš is one of the few photographers whose work offers an alternative program. He probably won’t be enough for those spectators looking for classically attractive snapshots. However, his existentially visual-anthropological work could reveal a completely new world to those who perceive the difference between art and visual culture.
– Petra Hanáková
En-Narodil sa 4. januára 1944 v Bratislave. V rokoch 1961 – 1965 študoval na Strednej umeleckopriemyselnej škole v Bratislave odbor fotografie. Po skončení školy krátko pracoval pre Oravskú galériu v Dolnom Kubíne, v rokoch 1967 – 1972 bol fotoreportérom v týždenníku Beseda, v rokoch 1972 – 1974 fotografom agentúry ČSTK-Pressfoto v Bratislave. Od roku 1974 do roku 2008 fotografoval pre Urologickú kliniku Fakultnej nemocnice v Bratislave-Kramároch. Žije v Bratislave. Okrem periodík, uvedených v bibliografii uverejňoval fotografie v časopisoch Móda, Dievča, Slovenka, Dorka, Mladá tvorba, Populár, Javisko, Elle, Fototip, Digi-revue, British Journal of Photography, Fotografare.
March 15 – April 4 / Juraj Bartoš – Sme tu spolu (Integrácia rómskych detí). Medium Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
July 2 – October 2 / Bratislava of the 80s. Museum mesta Bratislavy
August 28 – September 30 / Juraj Bartoš. Dokument of an Era. Fotoport Gallery, Bratislava
February 17 – March 10 / Juraj Bartoš. Slovak Institute in Vienna. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
June 23 – September 30 / Juraj Bartoš. Zvolen Castle. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
October 2 – November 22 / Juraj Bartoš. Esterházy palace, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
October 30 – March 2 / Lost Time? Slovakia 1969 – 1989 in Documentary Photography. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
May 10 – June 3 / Bienále úžitkového umenia 2007. Dom umenia Bratislava. Slovak Union of Visual Arts, Bratislava
November 2 – November 30 / Bratislava by the Backdoor. Month of Photography 2006. Gallery of Evangelical Lyceum, Bratislava
Juraj Bartoš. Stage of Time. Siemens, Bratislava
December 17 – May 25 / Slovak Visual Art 1970 – 1985. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
October 29 – November 30 / Digital Olympus. Month of Photography 2002. The Bratislava City Library, Artotéka Gallery
November 3 – February 28 / Modern – Postmodern – Postphotography. Slovak Photography 1925 – 2000. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
April 17 – May 5 / Juraj Bartoš (Bratislava) Ulica mesta (Rue dans la ville). Galérie Médiathic, Die
September 9 – September 19 / Le 1er mai à Petržalka – Juraj Bartoš. Slovaquie. Valence
September 20 – October 1 / Le 1er mai à Petržalka – Juraj Bartoš. Slovaquie. Centre de recherches et d´action culturelle, Valence
Autoportrét ´88 Spoločenský dom Trnávka, Obvodné kultúrne a spoločenské stredisko Bratislava II. Komorná galéria fotografie.
September 17 – October 9 / Juraj Bartoš. Photographs. City Street. Exhibition Hall of Tatran Publishing, Bratislava
February 5 – February 26 / Fashion Photography. Cultural and Social Center Bratislava II
December 6 – January 1984 / Contemporary Photography of Bratislava. Dom kultúry Ružinov, Obvodné kultúrne a spoločenské stredisko Bratislava. Curator: Václav Macek
May – June / Juraj Bartoš. Photographs. Gallery of Mladá tvorba, Bratislava